Michelle Rae Sobi studied at the center for Yoga and Ayurveda, and continued with advanced training in Wheaton, Illinois. She is passionate about teaching from the subtle and physical bodies, earning her Principles of Anatomy Certificate under Leslie Kaminoff. Michelle holds the E-RYT 500 distinction with Yoga Alliance, along with the Prenatal RPYT and Children’s RCYT distinctions. As a student of both yoga and life, Michelle studied at Berkeley for Visual Storytelling and Photography to assist in helping yogis with an online presence. She was named a Yogi Raj by the International Association of Yoga. Ultimately, through her training programs, Michelle seeks to perfect her studentship throughout life.

Anna Helmin: Tell us about Edge Yoga School & Arts and what you offer to the community.
Michelle Rae Sobi: Edge is known to help instructors share what they love about yoga. Whether through a vinyasa flow or gentle yoga class, instructors learn how to deliver a class that serves the first-time practitioner to the most seasoned yogi.
Anna: Can you walk us through your teacher training program? How is it different than other training programs?
Michelle: Yoga is nothing if not flexible. We offer training year-round in the afternoons, evenings, and weekends to suit the schedule of the individuals that attend. The training embodies lectures, lab, and practicum experience, so students are prepared to teach upon graduation. Many students say they appreciate the ability to take a comprehensive training this way. We focus on all eight limbs of yoga equally throughout. We have a five-star rating and aspire to connect yogis with the community for teaching opportunities. We continue to support our yogis by helping them go virtual with photoshoots and online support.
Anna: Can you explain the benefits of yoga sound bath and guided meditation? How do you incorporate this at Edge?

Anna: Tell us more about your yoga journey. What inspired you to open Edge?
Michelle: I was in a debilitating accident several years ago, and yoga saved me in every way a person could be saved. I remember my first yoga class that I stumbled into. It seemed like a good idea to put my mat in front of the instructor's stage for a good vantage point. Little did I know that I would soon be surrounded by a sea of yoga mats (think Eat. Pray. Love.) and unable to exit when I realized this class was way more athletic than anything I could do. So, I took Child's Pose. As tears rolled down my face onto my yoga mat, I wished I knew more yoga poses to do. That was fifteen years ago and I've been in flow ever since.